
潛水的朋友們當你看到本網頁 福氣了 使用以下的科技你的潛水安全就能有保障









Sea safe is a 'Radio Frequency' transmission and receiving system operating on a specific frequency. Sea safe 是一個“無線電頻率傳輸和系統運行在一個特定的頻率接收。 Sea safe is independent of and does not rely on multiple orbits by appropriate satellite systems. Sea safe 是獨立的,不依靠相應的衛星系統在多個軌道。
The system comprises the following components:該系統由以下幾部分組成:

  • A personal transmitter or radio beacon which is worn conveniently on the body.一個個人的發射機或無線電信標,這是方便地戴在身上。 This transmitter may be manually activated or automatically activated when a person falls in the water.該變送器可手動啟動或自動激活,當一個人跌倒在水中。
  • A receiver which is connected to an antenna and may be mounted on a boat or in a land base station (such as Coast Guard).一個連接到天線的接收器可安裝在船上或在土地基站(如海岸警衛隊)。
  • An 'omni-directional' antenna which is connected to the receiver and receives a distress signal from any Sea safe transmitter within 360 degrees and activates a visual and audible alarm on the receiver.一個“全方位”的天線連接到接收器和接收了求救信號,並從 360度內的任何Sea safe發射機將激活一個接收器上的視覺和聲音報警。 This antenna is permanently mounted on the vessel or on an antenna tower at a base station.這種天線是永久地安裝在船上或基站的天線塔上。
  • A fold-up directional antenna.一個折疊式的定向天線。 This is connected to the receiver after an alarm signal has been received.這是連接到接收器已收到報警信號後。 This antenna provides an indication of the direction from which a distress signal has been received.這種天線提供了一種從已收到求救信號的方向指示。
     By following this direction, the victim's location will be identified


    The Sea safe transmitter offers a number of innovative and unique features. Sea safe

  • The transmitter may be manually or automatically activated
  • Once activated the transmitter may continue to transmit for up to seven days
  • Use of a very hi-bright light emitting diode provides good visual contact over distance at night or in poor weather使用一個非常您好明亮的發光二極管,在夜間或惡劣天氣提供良好的跨越距離的視覺接觸
  • A number of mounting options are offered.提供一些安裝選項。
    The device may be worn on the upper arm using an ergonomic arm band or attached to a pocket or webbing using a custom belt-clip該裝置可戴在手臂上部採用符合人體工程學的臂帶,或連接到使用自定義的皮帶夾一個口袋或織帶
  • A unique coded signal is transmitted whereby no interference is caused to other equipment and no interference is received by other equipment一個獨特的編碼信號的傳輸,即無干擾其他設備造成和無干擾其他設備接收
  • The Sea safe transmitter is a personal device worn by each person on board a vessel Sea safe變送器是一種個人設備,每個人在船上穿
  • Use of the optional “dive-cap” allows Sea safe to be used by divers.使用可選的“​​潛水帽”允許 Sea safe由潛水員使用。 Removal of the dive-cap by a diver in distress will result in immediate activation of the transmitter.去除由潛水員遇險的潛水帽,將導致立即激活發射機。 Divers surfacing out of sight of the dive boat or getting left behind, can easily be tracked and retrieved by the skipper of the dive boat using the Sea safe receiver.潛水員浮出水面的潛水船的視線,或留下,可以很容易地跟踪和檢索 Sea safe接收機使用的潛水船的船長。 No more “Open Water' experiences!沒有更多的“開放水域的經驗!


  • The receiver is able to operate via the 12 volt DC supply on a boat, via five rechargeable NiMH batteries which are continually charged whilst connected to the boat power.接收器是操作能夠通過不斷充電的同時連接到船功率通過 5個可充電鎳氫電池,在船上的12伏直流供應。 The receiver is also able to operate in a base station via a 240 V AC to 12 VDC adapter.接收器也能夠在基站通過一個 240伏交流電,12伏直流適配器。
  • Full use has been made of discreet switching controls via a fully waterproof membrane keypad.充分利用已作出謹慎的開關控制,通過完全防水卷材的鍵盤。 There is no 'mechanical' switching or instrument adjustments.有沒有“機械”的開關或儀器調整。
  • Adjustable 'audible' signal strength indication which has volume level control.可調的“發聲”的信號強度指示,音量電平控制。 Receiver is supplied with a set of head phones for audible signal strength indication under high 'ambient' noise conditions.接收機提供一個頭的手機,根據高“環境”噪聲條件下的聲音信號強度指示。 Audible tone frequency and pitch increases when antenna is pointed towards victim.發出聲音的頻率和音調增加天線是對受害者時指出。
  • Visual signal strength indication via 10 colour coded LED's.通過編碼的LED的10色的視覺信號強度指示。
  • Standard auxilliary output which may be interfaced to via an external relay to engine cut-out, GPS , klaxon alarm or flashing on-board light.這可能是通過發動機的外部繼電器切斷,全球定位系統,汽車喇叭報警或閃爍板上的光接口標準輔助輸出。
  • Optional rubber protection holster and neck strap for portable use.可選橡膠保護皮套和背帶,便攜使用。
  • Receiver may be used as a portable device when disconnected from the vessel with battery life up to 12 hours.從斷開與電池壽命長達 12小時的船隻時,接收器可被用作便攜式設備。
  • Dashboard mount receiver bracket.儀表板安裝接收器支架。
  • Signal transmission and receiving ranges:信號的傳輸和接收範圍:
    • Up to 30 km from boat to victim高達 30公里,從船到受害人
    • Up to 45 km from victim to base station (antenna at 15 metres) 45公里從受害者到基站(15米天線)
    • Up to 100 km from aircraft or helicopter to victim (flying at 1500m)最多到100公里,從飛機或直升機的受害者(在1500米飛行)
  • The receiver is only capable of receiving the specifically coded signal from a Sea safe transmitter.接收器是唯一能夠接收從 Sea safe發射器的特殊編碼信號。 This means it is not susceptible to any interference from other sources.這意味著它是不容易從其他來源的任何干擾。

  天線系統 Antennae System  

  • The Sea safe antennae system comprises two individual antennae Sea safe天線系統包括兩個單獨的天線
  • An 'omni-directional' antenna and a 'directional' antenna一個“全方位”的天線和“定向”天線
  • The omni-directional antenna is a marine grade fibreglass antenna which is permanently attached to the vessel.全向天線是一個海洋級玻璃鋼天線,這是永久附著在血管。 Preferably mounted as high as possible as increased height results in increased distance from which a distress signal may be received.最好安裝在距離增加,可能會收到求救信號增加的高度結果盡可能高。 This antenna is connected to the receiver at all times and will receive an instant distress signal from a Sea safe transmitter within 360 degrees.這種天線連接到接收器在任何時候都將收到一封從 360度內 Sea safe發射機的即時求救信號。
  • Once an alarm is received and the receiver is switched over to 'search' mode, this antenna is disconnected and the 'directional' antenna is connected.一旦收到報警接收機切換到“搜索”模式,這種天線是斷開和“定向”的天線連接。
  • The directional antenna is collapsible and may be folded up for easy stowage on a vessel when not in use.定向天線是可折疊的,和可能的船隻在不使用時折疊,易存放。
  • When connected to the receiver in 'search' mode, this antenna will indicate in which direction the strongest signal is being received.當連接到接收器中的“搜索”模式,這種天線將顯示在哪個方向正在接收信號最強。 The vessel will head in this direction in order to locate the victim.為了找到受害者的船隻將負責在這個方向。
  • Optional directional-antenna mast-mount adapter可選的定向天線桅杆安裝轉接器

介紹技術規格  Technical Specifications

System complies with AS 42868.2 as amended by LIPD (Low Interference Potential Device) 24 August 2005.系統符合作為為 42868.2 LIPD(低潛在干擾設備)24 2005年8月修訂。 In particular table ZZ1特別是表ZZ1

Sea safe Transmitter Model: SSTX/01 Sea safe 變送器型號:SSTX/01

Frequency 頻率 173 to 174 MHz 173至174兆赫
Dimensions 尺寸 80mm H x 78mm W x 32mm D 80mm高x 78毫米寬 x32毫米ð
Weight (with battery)
+/- 250 g + / - 250克
Temperature tolerance
-10º C to +55º C -10 ° C至+55 ° C
Frequency Stability
15 PPM百萬分之十五
Transmitter Power
50 Milliwatts nominal at antenna terminal 50毫瓦的名義在天線端
Radiated Power
Approx 8 Milliwatts約 8毫瓦
Spurious Radiation
< 0.1 uW (-40 DBM) <0.1 ​​UW(-40 DBM)
Power requirement
3V Lithium cell 3V鋰電池

Sea safe Receiver Model: SSRX/01 Sea safe接收器型號:SSRX/01

Frequency 頻率 173 to 174 MHz 173至174兆赫
Frequency Stability
15 PPM百萬分之十五
Dimensions 尺寸 256mm L x 130mm W x 60mm D 256毫米長 x130毫米W x 60毫米ð
Weight (with batteries)
+/- 850 g + / - 850克
Temperature Tolerance
-10º C to +55º C -10 ° C至+55 ° C
Decode Sensitivity
- 128 DBM nominal - 128 DBM的名義
Adjacent channel selectivity
80 DB 80分貝
Image and Spurious responses 圖像和雜散響應 -80DB - 80DB
Spurious Radiation
< 57 DBM <57 dBm的
Power Requirement
6 VDC or 5 x 1.2V NiMH AA rechargeable batteries 6 VDC或5 × 1.2V鎳氫 AA充電電池


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